Weightloss Scrapbooking

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Maybe you have already read how journaling can really help you to lose weight. This is partially because by writing out your intentions you maintain focus on your goal. Another reason is because by keeping track you remind yourself of your commitments. Plus its a very useful tool so you have a real-time chronicle that you can review when things don’t seem to be going as fast as you feel they should, or perhaps not working at all.

We have taken this one step further.

My friend – Cynthia Carpenter – and I have written a book called “Weight Loss Scrapbooking – Scrapbooking Layouts for your Weight loss Journal” Cynthia is a longtime fitness expert and successful fitness website fittvo.com We met by chance at a conference and realized we had a good idea. An idea that could help some really good people. The first thing we did was write what is called a “guest post” on each others websites.

Cynthia wrote an article called “Get Fit while you Sit”

And I wrote an article called “Weight Loss Scrapbook” which you can read on the FitTVo site.

Both articles were a success and the requests to put together an actual ‘book’ started to roll in. So we did just that. Thank goodness for the internet because we live about 1500 kms apart. The book is done, and it looks really, really nice.

Its got everything in there, Scrapbooking layouts for weight loss. Several page suggestions and samples, its a really attractive, informative and colorful book.  Also included is a 12 week weight loss and fitness plan that will get you started.

AND we have started another website solely dedicated to Weight Loss Scrapbooking with some unique ideas for your scrapbooking pages and fitness tips.

It’s still under construction but there are more articles being added each week. If you would like to be included on the email list to be notified of the new articles just reply to this email and I’ll make sure you are included.

Right now our book “Weight Loss Scrapbooking – Scrapbooking Layouts for your Weight loss Journal”
is available at the Kindle Store.  The first paperback printing has already taken place but I need to approve it before it will be made available in the bookstores.

There is a copy in the mail on its way to Cynthia right now. I will definitely let you know as soon as its available for sale.

In the meantime what Cynthia and I thought we would do is put the Kindle price at only .99c

**The book is worth much, much more than that**

We wanted to keep the price low so both of our subscribers could pick it up cheaply PLUS because we both know that a Kindle version just doesn’t do the book justice


we are making the ebook PDF version available to people who buy the Kindle… for FREE. The paperback book is retailing at $17 and we already have a bunch of per-purchase orders. But for you, and only for a few days, we will give away the full color, full version PDF of the book (its 74 pages) to people who buy the Kindle for .99c

Keep in mind – as soon as the paperback is available the price of the Kindle will be going up and the PDF will no longer be free. For all I know the print copy is at the post office right now.

Scrapbooking your weight loss takes journaling to the next level in your successful weight loss journey.

Here is that Amazon link to “Weight Loss Scrapbooking” again

I look forward to reading your positive reviews on Amazon!

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