Scrapbooking Tip – Kid’s Art

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This series provides scrapbooking tips and tricks.Scrapbooking Layout Grade 1

Scrapbooking Layout Party GirlKids bring home the greatest creations of macaroni, glitter, and finger paint. Unfortunately, the macaroni bits and glitter is soon all over the floor or eaten by the dog (or the cat).

To save these creations, without the macaroni and glitter mess, simply scan and print your child’s creations for use in your next scrapbook.  Kid’s art is great for use for kid’s rooms, grandparent scrapbooks, and kid’s scrapbooks. These pictures can be used as backgrounds, as focus items, or as embellishments.

Ask a child to create a color border on  a piece of white paper – you’ll be surprised at the fun designs you can create.


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