Scrapbooking Layout – Can I Sneak a Puppy on the ship?

I loved this photo of my daughter filled with mischief thinking about the puppies.  The actually counted them as they were returned because someone did try to sneak on on the ship at one point.  #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Bear

This sign really gave you an idea of how big a bear is – its one thing to see them at a zoo it would be another thing to see one in the wild.    #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Wild

We spent some time at a nature preserve viewing local animals.  The Eagle was just perched on the tree and seemed to be ready to pose for photos.    It was damp and cold but we had a good look at all the areas.  #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Train from Denali

This was a long but beautiful ride from Denali back to Anchorage.  It ended up being several hours longer since the train had to go slower to not cause mudslides.  We enjoyed both lunch and dinner (food was amazing) in the lower deck of the train and the beautiful views in the glass roof cabin.    #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – the Sweet Life

Enjoying our time on the Radiance of the Seas.    Not much down time but we did get a massage on the at sea day – we needed it after all the running and traveling.  It was different being on a ship with cold weather.  #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Seward

We enjoyed some time on our own in downtown Seward.  We enjoyed a gelato in a flavor of fruit I had never heard of lychee.  Kind of like a peach it was good.  shhh we even saw an urban bigfoot.      #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Salmon

In Vancouver as part of the suspension bridge tour we got to see the Capilano salmon hatchery.  It was hard to get photos of the salmon through the glass. The scenery was amazing.  Apparently no swimming on the rocks – I always like to get pics of the oddball signs.   #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Hiking in Alaska

After the day in Denali we went back to the hotel and walked to a nearby trail.  Kyla stayed at the hotel to rest.  It was amazing it was still light out at 8 at night. The trees were different from our home trails – it was really beautiful.    #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Escape

Not really a getaway train but we did make our escape from Denali through hours of fire weed, rain and amazing views.   The train ride was over 10 hours so glad the seats were comfy and there was a dining car.   #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter

Scrapbooking Layout – Take Time to Enjoy Nature

I am so glad we took the extra time to do the side trip to Denali. We got to see the mountain and wildlife which was a huge win.  At one of the stops on the park tour they let us take pics with antlers.    #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬ #scrapbookinglayouts #travelingcrafter