Scrapbooking Layout – Party Like its Summer Time

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scrapbooking layout party like its summer timeI got title inspiration from the song Party like its 1999 by Prince.  I had a variety of single shots from summer fun activities.  You can even see the silly cat Oreo on top of the ladder to Kyla’s loft bed mentioned in a post a few days ago called BFF.  After the winter we have had here – cold and snowy – I am certainly ready for a fun summer of outdoor activity.   #‎lovemyscrapbookingideas‬


  1. Hi this is Clarissa, I have a question? I’m linookg for a photoshop program, but it needs to be simple and easy which can reduce picture size to large and small. Read the reviews on Adobe Photoshop Element 11 and got scared.Hope you can help.Many thanks

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